Scale your email outreach

AI-avatars make it easy for you to scale your cold email outreach and land in your prospects inbox

Benefits with pre-warmed email accounts

Immediate Campaign Launch

Start your email campaigns within minutes with our pre-aged, ready-to-use email avatars

Enhanced Deliverability

Enjoy superior email deliverability, thanks to the warmed-up inbox

Risk Mitigation

Protect your primary email accounts from bans or suspensions with our risk-free avatar solution

Authentic Engagement

Each email avatar comes with a realistic persona, fostering genuine connections with your audience

Scalable Outreach

Effortlessly scale your email campaigns to meet growing business needs without compromising on quality or deliverability

Cost-Effective Strategy

By reducing the need for multiple subscriptions or software to warm up and manage email accounts, you can allocate more resources to other areas of your marketing strategy.

Email Avatars that are Powered by


Seamless Integrations – Connect and Amplify with Your existing marketing ecosystem

Start scaling your outbound marketing with AI-powered avatars

Simple plans and prices. Only pay for what you need. No contracts. Use AIA month by month and quit at any time.

Email Avatars

Keep your campaigns out of spam


per month /

per domain


Specify gender

Specify ethnicity

Human-realistic picture

Uniquely generated name

Includes outreach domain

Domain records fully set up

Sales Nav Standalone

Keep your campaigns out of spam


per month /

per domain

Use your own profile or an Avatar

Sales Nav add-on

Also interested in LinkedIn ID proofed Avatars?